Hide Event from Student View

The Viewable Start and Viewable Finish settings allow you to set when you want to show/hide a learning event from students/audience.

To hide an event from student view, 

1. Go to Admin > Manage Events

2. Select Add New Event, or select the Event to be created.

3. In the Setup page, scroll to the bottom section on Viewable Start and Viewable Finish.

4. To hide events, enter past Viewable Start and Viewable Finish Dates.

The Viewable Start Date must be before the Viewable Finish Date:


On student view, the event will be hidden.

On admin view, you should be able to see the event (in red) and be able download reports for it.


Note: Leave Viewable Start and Viewable Finish settings as empty to allow users in the event audience to access the event at any point.